Urban Farming Census
Urban Farmers growing food for sale in the City of Vancouver between 2014 and 2016, fill out the Urban Farming Census and receive a $50 honorarium! You can access the Census as a Google form at http://bit.ly/UrbanFarmingCensus, or as a fillable PDF here.
The Census should take roughly 30-45 minutes to complete. The questions focus on information about your organization’s structure, food sales, and community impacts.
At Vancouver Urban Farming Society, we are looking forward to growing more here in Vancouver. The Census is a way to understand what you need to succeed as an urban farm and to help us better get you the things you need. By completing it, you will give current and potential farmers, farm customers, and our City of Vancouver officials a clearer picture of the urban farming sector.
You can view the results of the 2010-2013 Census here.
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