Southlands Farm Tour & Potluck
On Saturday August 24th, 2013 we gathered down at Southlands Farm for an evening tour and potluck – part of our tour series in collaboration with Young Agrarians. Southlands Farm is the only farm in Vancouver that is part of the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) — a gathering place for folks of all ages to learn about food and farming. Here are a few photos courtesy of Sara Dent!
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Event info:
Join the Vancouver Urban Farming Society and Young Agrarians for a tour hosted by Southlands Farm – a community farm that is home to horses, sheep, chickens, bees and much more! Jordan Maynard will give us a tour of the farm and share with us the history of the area and their hopes for the farm in the future.
Southlands Farm is the only farm in Vancouver that is part of the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). They run fun skills based workshops and camps for all ages in the Summer where folks learn how to grow food from seed to table.
Transit /////////
Southlands Farm is located on the Balaclava bike route and only 2 blocks from the 49 bus stop.
Bring: INSTRUMENTS! and warm clothes for sitting around the fire after the sun sets.
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