18th Annual Stone Soup Festival

18th Annual Stone Soup Festival

‘Connecting Our Local Food Community’

On May 11, 2013, we asked people if they were supportive of an urban farm in their neighbourhood: 127 people said yes and 0 said no!

Some familiar faces and organizations, thanks for helping out and lending your best goat face Fresh Roots Urban Farm SocietyVancouver Food Policy CouncilKits HousePlantedYummy YardsBarefoot Farms! We’re looking for suggestions of other places to do street outreach over the summer…

Our photos from the Stone Soup Festival at Britannia Community Services Centre in collaboration with the Grandview Woodland Food Connection http://gwfoodconnection.wordpress.com/.

(Top Photo: Grandview Woodlands Food Connection on Flickr)



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More than ever, people are aware of the issues of food security, the benefits of sharing resources and eating ‘local’. Stone Soup celebrated the diversity of food in our neighbourhood, the environment and it’s importance to the culture of our community.

Features Of This Year’s Festival Included:

  1. Children’s Seed Planting Workshop With The Environmental Youth Alliance: 1-4pm, West Kid’s Area
  2. The Urban Food Garden: Planning, Tips & Advice From Victory Gardens: 1-3pm, Family Activity Room
  3. Digging Economic Sustainability Into The Urban Food Movement, Talk by Peter Ladner: 3pm, Britannia Library
  4. Help Grow The Urban Forest: How To Plant & Care For A Tree: Workshop by David Tracey: 12:30-1:30pm, Al Mattison Lounge: For More Info On Treekeepers Program: www.treekeepers.ca
  5. Origami Workshop With Jan Nguyen: 12-5pm,  Britannia Site
  6. Kickstand Bike Tune-Up/Workshop By Donation & Bike Games: 12-5pm, Britannia Site

Event details:

Saturday, May 11, 2013, Noon-5pm
Britannia Community Centre Site/Napier Greenway
1661 Napier St @ Commercial Drive, Vancouver, BC V5L 4X4

Britannia Community Centre is pleased to announce and host the 18th Annual Stone Soup Festival, a celebration of food, art, environment and community, including a food market, local artists, community groups, talks and workshops, live music, tea leaf reading, children’s activities, free soup and more! This year will include a particular focus on urban agriculture.

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