Urban Farming City Policy Announcement

Urban Farming City Policy Announcement

Are you an active or aspiring urban farmer in Vancouver?

If so, please see below for an important message from the City regarding business licence(s) and relevant guidelines for existing or future urban farming operation(s) in Vancouver.

Before the end of May, city staff will lead an information session to help take urban farmers through the licensing application process. As soon as a firm date is set, we will let you know!

To get involved, or for more information on how the Vancouver Food Policy Council, the Vancouver Urban Farming Society, and urban farming community members will monitor and recommend changes to the City’s newly introduced policies for urban farmers, please email hello@urbanfarmers.ca.

A Message from the City of Vancouver:

City of Vancouver is excited to now have policy to further enable urban farming in the city. On March 8, City Council passed policy to allow two types of urban farms – Farm Class A and Farm Class B.   All new and existing urban farms in the city are now expected to follow the Urban Farm Guidelines.  Please review the Guidelines and information on how to apply for a business licence and development permit (if applicable) here.

City staff, members of the Vancouver Food Policy Council and Vancouver Urban Farming Society, and urban farming community members​ will monitor the policy over the next two growing seasons to make recommendations for any modification to the policy moving forward. These groups will be meeting in the next few months to establish a framework for assessment.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact foodpolicy@vancouver.ca.


01 Determine your farm’s classification category

02 Review the guidelines adopted by City council

03 Complete an urban farm checklist

04 Read the City’s guide to reducing health risks


For additional resources for current and aspiring urban farmers, check out our Resources tab at the top of the page.